Note to Authors

For all proposals (oral presentations and posters), the Scientific Committee will pay special attention to the scientific quality of research and to the presentation of original data. Therefore, authors are requested to be particularly precise in their proposals. Abstracts should follow as closely as possible the conventional scheme indicating (a) the title, (b) the subject and its theoretical framework, (c) the objectives and hypotheses, (d) a description of procedures, including participants and method and (e) the results and main conclusions of the research. Abstracts should also be completed with three to five keywords and three references. They should have a maximum of 250 words and must always specify the thematic axis to which they are applying, indicating a first and second option.

The submission of proposals and registration are made online via the website: After your registration, you will receive an e-mail with the confirmation and with all the needed information to continue with the inscription/submission process.

The acceptance by the Scientific Committee of an oral presentation to the 5th CLBSERS and 10th FISERS requires that at least two of the authors will be registered and participate in the event. Certificates of participation will be delivered immediately after the presentation of papers at the event.

Important dates:

September 15th, 2018: Deadline for abstract submissions
October 10th, 2018: Closure of the process of acceptance or rejection

Scientific Program Organization:

The Conference will held be in the form of (1) symposia, which are joint communications gathered and introduced around a specific subject by the symposium convener (2) thematic sessions: communications grouped by the Scientific Committee based on theoretical or thematic convergences, (3) poster sessions with the presence of the authors.
Accepted abstracts will be gathered in a publication that will be provided to participants at the opening of the event.


A symposium is composed of:
– Review of an issue / theme made by the symposium convener, focusing a specific field of research (15 minutes max.).
– Three or four original research studies that fit the theme of the symposium. Symposia should last no longer than 90 minutes, and a minimum of 15 minutes should be devoted for discussion with the audience. Symposium convener is responsible for time management.
The Scientific Committee will award special importance to the international nature of the project, as well as to the coherence of the several communications that make up the symposium. Each symposium will be evaluated as a whole, but also in each of its components. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to request a reorganization of the symposium.

Oral presentations

Oral presentations will be grouped in Thematic Discussion Sessions (TDS) by the Scientific Committee. Each thematic session will include four to five oral presentations (maximum of 15 minutes each, including 5 minutes for discussion).


The poster should be built on digital format. Posters will be grouped by the Scientific Committee based on a criterion of thematic proximity. The Interactive Poster Sessions (IPS), allowing the dialogue with the authors, will be held in specific moments reserved to that purpose.


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